I. First Angel's Message
(Revelation 14:6,7)
Manado, Oktober 2011
CD 1A_1. Penipuan Diri
Penipuan Diri (HD)
CD 1A_2. Bagaimana Supaya Jangan Tertipu
CD 1A_3. Pekabaran Rahmat Yang Terakhir
CD 1A_4. Dibangkitkan Kembali
CD 1A_5. Pintu Kasihan Ditutup
CD 1A_6. Hujan Akhir
CD 1A_7. Fokus Nubuatan
Sept, Okt 2011, Jakarta (Not in DVD)
1. Penipuan Diri (audio only)
Penipuan Diri
2. Bagaimana Supaya Jangan Tertipu
3. Pekabaran Rahmat Yang Terakhir
4. Dibangkitkan Kembali
5. Pintu Kasihan Ditutup
6. Hujan Akhir
7. Fokus Nubuatan
CD 1B_8. Dilahirkan Kembali
CD 1B_9. Mengabarkan Anugerah Allah
CD 1B_10. Worship
CD 1B_11. 144.000 - Final Generation
CD 1B_12. The Walk To Emaus (1 of 2)
The Walk To Emaus (2 of 2)
CD 1C_1 The Will ()
CD 1C_2 Sia-sia ()
CD 1C_3 The Famine (at Jemaat Gandaria) .
(n/a in DVD) The Famine (in US)
CD 1C_4 The Object Of Life - Part1 ()
CD 1C_5 The Object Of Life - Part2 ()
CD 1C_6 Strive ()
CD 1C_7 The Sons of God ()
CD 1C_8 Kehendak Bapa dan Grace
CD 1C_9 Keeping The Hope Alive (Khotbah Pemakaman)
CD 1D_1 The Power of Prayer ()
CD 1D_2 The Office of the Holly Spirit ()
CD 1D_3 The Wrath of God ()
CD 1D_4 The Right Motive ()
CD 1D_5 Sermont On The Mount ()
CD 1D_6 The Power of Tongue
CD 1D_7 Bible Study Principle - Part1 (Isaiah 28:10, Here a little there a little)
CD 1D_8 Bible Study Principle - Part2 (Alkitab menjawab Alkitab)
Short BS:
CD 1D_9 Showers of Blessings ()
CD 1D_10 For Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen ()
CD 1D_11 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
CD 1D_12 Kehendak Bapa
CD 1D_13 Bible Prophecy (understand the future, make preparation today)
CD 1D_14 John 3:16
CD 1E_1. Communion Service & Worship
CD 1E_2. Steps to be Forgiven
CD 1E_3. The Wise & The Foolish
CD 1E_4. The Blood of Atonement
CD 1E_5. Condition for the Sealing
CD 1E_6. Image of the Beast (in Kupang, Nov 2014)
CD 1E_7. Image of the Beast (US)
CD 1E_8. The Lesser Light
CD 1E_9. MH370 (available in DVD)
II. Second Angel's Message Session I
(Revelation 14:8)
CD 2A_1 The Church (Subtitle: Bahasa)
CD 2A_2 Seventh-Day Adventist - Part1
CD 2A_3 Seventh-Day Adventist - Part2
CD 2A_4 Seventh-Day Adventist - Part3
CD 2A_5 Laodecian Condition (1 of 2)
CD 2A_6 Laodecian Condition (2 of 2)
CD 2A_7 Seven Churches
CD 2B_1 Dua rencana
CD 2B_2 Mengerti Visi Nubuatan
CD 2B_3 Dua Tahap Rencana Kebinasaan
CD 2B_4 Visi Mareh
CD 2B_5 Dua Murka
CD 2C_6 Sejarah dari Dua Muka
CD 2C_7 Miller, Edson dan 2520
CD 2C_8 Kekafiran Disingkirkan/The Daily Taken Away
CD 2C_9 Prophetic Timeline - Part1 ()
CD 2C_10 Prophetic Timeline - Part2 ()
CD 2C_11 Prophetic Timeline - Part3 ()
III. Third Angel's Message
(Revelation 14:9-11)
Justification By Faith:
(n/a in DVD) Justification by Faith (Jakarta, Jan 2014)
CD 3A_1 Justification by Faith (Manado, Jan 16, 2014)
CD 3A_2 Garment of Salvation Part-1
CD 3A_3 Garment of Salvation Part-2
CD 3A_4 Garment of Salvation Part-3
CD 3A_5 Forgiveness
CD 3B_1 Grace - Part1
CD 3B_2 Grace - Part2
CD 3B_3 Grace - Part3
CD 3B_4 Grace - Part4
CD 3B_5 Grace - Part5
CD 3B_6 Grace - Part6
CD 3B_7 Grace: Steps to be forgiven
The Cleansing Of The Sanctuary (Tondano)
Sanctuary Message & Sabbath:
CD 3C_1 The Cleansing Of The Sanctuary Part-1 (Manado)
CD 3C_2 The Cleansing Of The Sanctuary Part-2 (Manado)
CD 3C_3 The Lord's Passover
CD 3C_4 The Lord's Supper
CD 3C_5 Close Of Probation (Tondano)
CD 3C_6 Michael stand up (Manado)
CD 3C_7 The Seventh-Day Sabbath
CD 3C_8 Makna Hari Sabat
(n/a in DVD) Michael stand up (Papua)
Health Reform:
CD 3D_1 Original Diet/ Diet in Eden (Manado, Jan 18, 2014)
CD 3D_2 Gospel Medical Missionary Evangelist" (Manado, Jan 18, 2014)
CD 3D_3 Spiritual Diabetes
CD 3D_4 The Pool Of Siloam
CD 3D_5 Meat & Drink
CD 3D_6 Healthy Sinners
CD 3D_7 Health Reform & Gospel Commission
CD 3E_1 Daily - Part1 (Jakarta, Jan 2014)
CD 3E_2 Daily - Part2 (Jakarta, Jan 2014)
CD 3E_3 Dress Reform
CD 3E_4 On Bended Knees
CD 3E_5 The Name of the Lord
Tithe: Handout Klik Disini
CD 3E_6 Hastening the Coming of Christ (1 of 2) (Tithe principle)
CD 3E_7 Hastening the Coming of Christ (2 of 2) (Tithe principle)
CD 3E_1 CD 3E_1
CD 3E_1 CD 3E_1
Character in Crisis
A Test of Fellowship
If You Love Me
Rooted in Christ
IV. Second Angel's Message Session II
(2nd Angel's Message Repeated With The Additional Mention...)
(Revelation 14:8, Revelation 18)
CD4A_1 Spiritual Fornication
CD4A_2 The Towers
CD4A_3 Midnight Cry (02:18)
CD4A_4 Wheat and Tares - Part1 (02:40)
CD4A_5 Wheat and Tares - Part2 (02:30)
CD4A_6 Wheat and Tares - Part3 (02:19)
CD4B_7 Revelation 12 ()
CD4B_8 Revelation 13 Part-1 ()
CD4B_9 Revelation 13 Part-2 ()
CD4B_10 Revelation 17 Part-1 ()
CD4B_11 Revelation 17 Part-2 ()
CD4B_12 Revelation 17 Part-3 ()
CD4C_1 The Last Generation (Destruction of Jerusalem) - Part1
CD4C_2 The Last Generation (Destruction of Jerusalem) - Part2
CD4C_3 The Last Generation (Destruction of Jerusalem) - Part3
CD4C_4 "Golden Calf" Apostasy - Part1
CD4C_5 "Golden Calf" Apostasy - Part2
CD4C_6 "Golden Calf" Apostasy - Part3
The End From The Beginning Handout Klik Disini
CD4D_1 The End From The Beginning (1 of 6)
CD4D_2 The End From The Beginning (2 of 6)
CD4D_3 The End From The Beginning (3 of 6)
CD4D_4 The End From The Beginning (4 of 6)
CD4D_5 The End From The Beginning (5 of 6)
CD4D_6 The End From The Beginning (6 of 6)
CD4E_1 Books of a New Order
CD4E_2 Accountability - Part1
CD4E_3 Accountability - Part2
CD4E_4 2520 Part1 - From Eden to Eden
CD4E_5 2520 Part2 - Blessings & Curses
CD4E_6 2520 Part3 - William Miller
CD4E_7 2520 Part4 - The Two Indignations
CD4E_8 2520 Part5 - In the Bible
CD4E_9. The Three Frogs Message
CD4F_1 Seven Times - Part1
CD4F_2 Seven Times - Part2
CD4F_3 Seven Times - Part3
CD4F_4 Seven Times - Part4
CD4F_5 Seven Times - Part4B & 5
CD4F_6 Seven Times - Part6 (1/2)
CD4F_6 Seven Times - Part6 (2/2)
CD4F_7 Seven Times - Part7 12052014
CD4F_8 Seven Times - Part8 12122014
CD4F_9 Seven Times - Part9 12192014 (coming soon)
Seri Pelajaran "The Third Person Of The GodHead" (Mega Mendung, July 2014)
GodHead Part-1 "In The Beginning"
GodHead Part-2 "The Holy Ghost"
GodHead Part-3 "The Holy Ghost"
GodHead Part-4 "Holy Spirit; Another Comforter"
GodHead Part-5 "Holy Spirit; Before Sin, In Sin, After Sin"
GodHead Part-6 "No More Sin"
GodHead Part-7a "Before & After The Ascension"
GodHead Part-7b "Before & After The Ascension"
GodHead Part-8 "The First & The Last Adam"
GodHead Part-9a "The Only Begotten Son"
GodHead Part-9b "Came Out From God"
Godhead: "In Him Was Life" - Part1
Godhead: "In Him Was Life" - Part2
The Ten Lepers
"Greatest Miracle"
The Seeds of Abraham
CD6_9. The Vindication (151 Views)
Handout Klik Disini
CD7_1. Churches Part1
Churches Part2
CD7_2. (in US) (n/a in DVD)
CD7_4. (2.854 Views)
CD7_5. The Dirt Brush Man (142 Views)
CD8_7. (60 Views)
CD8_8. The New Heart (462 Views)
CD8_9. (122 Views)
CD8_10. Peace & Safety (41 Views)
CD8_11. (Views)
CD8_12. (in US) (n/a in DVD)
CD8_13. (25 Views)
CD4D_1. What Must I Do To Be Saved? (02:51)
CD4D_2. Naaman the Leper (02:49)
CD4D_3. Laodicean Condition (02:22)
CD4E_3. The Gospel Order (04:23)
CD13_5. The Dragon Is Wrath
CD14_3. Samson's Strength Part1
CD14_4. Samson's Strength Part2
CD14_7. Repairer Of The Breach
CD10_7. Peace & Safety (HD)(19 Views)
CD10_8. The Truth Part-1 (HD)(21 Views)
CD10_9. The Truth Part-2 (HD)(17 Views)
CD10_10. The Gospel of Christ (HD)(28 Views)
Not In DVD (59 Views)
Not in DVD Laodecian Condition Part-1 Laodecian Condition Part-2 (NOT available)